Today , I would like to cover, what to do if you are getting sick.
Remember 80% of people recover without any further complications. A lot of people noticed, loosing sense of smell as warning that they are getting ill. Are you mentally and physically exhausted? Headache and stomach pain? You could suffer from Coronavirus. Stop taking all iron supplements if you are taking some.
1.Listen to your body, sleep a lot, drink lots of fluids- tea, water with cloves, nettle tea, water with lemon and honey.
2. This is the time to up your supplements vit C to 6000mg, vit D3 to 10000 units, Zinc to 80mg, start vit A and E.
3. Do not fight fever- work with your body to heal itself. Only if your fever gets to 40C start taking paracetamol- Not IBUPROFEN.
4. Try to seat up as much as possible
5. Take deep breaths use eucalyptus, mint, rosemary, thyme and oregano essential oils.
6. Try to sleep on your belly.
7 Eat lots of light soups and broths. Introduce garlic, ginger and chilli to your diet.
8. Open windows when possible , you need fresh air.
You will feel awful- your chest will hurt, coughs will make your stomach muscles all painful. You will feel very weak. Be strong and positive you will win. If you can not breathe any longer. Your lips and fingers are turning blue or if you can not control your temperature🤒- is time to call ambulance.
Stay save, look after yourself. We will come on top of this virus. ELIMINATE SUGAR and GLUTEN FROM YOUR DIET.
Be strong and positive your body is built to fight viruses and other nastiest.